Price check first to make sure you’re getting the best deal.

The best mobile app for your everyday shopping needs. Find out how to start saving and even how to start earning!

Scan, Search, Save

In the image is a person holding the OneScan Mobile App comparing prices for a new television. The options indicate Amazon, Walmart, and Best buy are producing results with Best Buy having the cheapest price.

OneScan is the most precise mobile app price comparison tool available. Simply search for a product or scan to find the best prices!

Empower your shopping with our app by comparing product prices across top retailers instantly by simply scanning product barcodes. You can also discover exclusive daily deals with discounts up to 90% off select items.

Need a specific product? Just search and compare prices effortlessly. Transform your shopping experience into a smarter, simpler, and cost-effective journey. Download OneScan now and start saving big today!

Text reading "Scan UPCs, receive prices." Phone showing a gaming laptop with Amazon, Walmart, and Ebay prices. Amazon has the cheapest price of the 3 available options. Walmart has an additional $64.90 in shipping.
Background text displaying "Search items, receive prices." Phone displaying available gaming laptops for sale and their current price at Amazon. You can click an individual laptop to check prices at more retail stores.
Background text displaying "Track your recent scans." Phone displaying all of the recent UPCs that a user has scanned. It allows you to favorite the item to scan again in the future or to check the prices again.

See what our customers are saying

Apple app store logo where OneScan mobile app is found.


Apple App Store Rating

(15 reviews)

Google Play Store logo where OneScan mobile app is found.


Google Play Store Rating

(6 reviews)

A phone displaying the OneScan (1S) logo on the home screen of the mobile app. The screen allows you to login or sign up. You may also begin scanning products and price checking without logging in.
The image is a barcode overlayed on the outline of a mobile phone.

Simply open up the OneScan app, point your camera at a barcode of an item, and instantly receive prices from retail stores. It has never been easier to shop!

Scan Barcodes

Magnifying glass used to indicate search capabilities on the OneScan mobile app to find products manually.

Search Items

No need to only scan barcodes! Simply search for any product and you can easily compare prices at the click of a button!

Image displays a sale sign to indicate that OneScan often has sales up to 90% off. Sales rotate daily and there are multiple product categories.

Daily Deals

We offer daily deals up to 90% OFF! We have you covered for electronics, clothes, home supplies, appliances, and many more!

Image displays a pin dropped on a map to represent the in-store pickup option being available in OneScan.

Schedule Pickup

Find an item you like? On the same screen, you can schedule in-store pickup with our partner stores. Don’t wait for delivery, get what you need today!

Image displays a history logo that allows you to track your scans in the app. Whenever you scan a UPC, OneScan will record it and let you see the item again.

Track History

Don’t worry about remembering the prices for the last few things you scanned. We got you covered! You can also “favorite” items that you want to revisit!

Image shows an inverse star to identify the capabilities of OneScan allowing you to read reviews from other users.

Read Reviews

Our customers know best. So please review products and help others! We value your feedback and others do too.

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