Image displays the OneScan mobile app in action. Left display shows a new OLED 8k television with Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy results. Best Buy has the cheapest option. Right image displays the landing page and the 1S logo allowing you to login.

OneScan Mobile App


No ads, no surprises, nothing

Scan, search, save! With our free mobile app, we instantly price check for you.

Unlimited scans
Unlimited searches
90% off daily deals
Track your history
Save favorite items

Image displays a book in front of the OneScan online course titled "How to Flip Products for Profit." Next to the computer is a coffee mug and an open notebook with a pen.

Online Course: How to Flip Products for Profit


Free if you refer someone!

Find out how to flip products for profit! With OneScan to help you compare prices, you’ll find great deals and secure large profits.

Coming Soon

Create a seller Account
Find great deals
How to display products
Track your inventory
Receive great user reviews

Image displays a CTO having a zoom call with a user. This resembles one of our core offerings of a one on one coaching session with our CTO to help you learn how to make your own mobile app and much, much more.

1:1 with CTO

Want to create your own mobile app? Don’t know where to start? Expedite your learning process by having a real CTO work with you.

Best software to use
How to prioritize objectives
How to create your website
How to get feedback
Initial marketing
Where to find inspiration